Join the KURA ONE®Collab
■ What is Collab?
Collab is a community that connects creators and influencers who share the same goals of Let's enjoy the region of Japan! And promoting Sustainable and Cool Sake through KURA ONE®!
■ What is KURA ONE®?
KURA ONE® is a small-capacity, aluminum-can premium sake that is offered in an earth-friendly, sustainable way, and offers a taste of Japan's regional character. We have selected 720ml of representative brands from award-winning sake breweries in Japan and abroad and refilled them into a drinkable 180ml aluminum can of sake. The product is available in English and Roman characters, a taste chart to understand the flavor before drinking, consistent label design, and an unbreakable/lightweight/100% UV-cut aluminum can container, and can be ordered from 47 prefectures in Japan to over 100 countries around the world.
■ Features of KURA ONE®
1. Regardless of whether the brewery is large or small, we carefully select only premium sake that has a proven track record of being highly acclaimed both domestically and internationally for the sake itself, including its aroma and taste.
2. Regularly expand the range of sake brands, allowing visitors to learn about and enjoy the Japan's local that gives sake its unique character.
3. To reduce food loss, the product is refilled and commercialized in small, drinkable containers.
4. Glass bottled products are expensive to transport and burden the earth as 40% of the total weight is for the container. They also have a risk of breakage and require various processing to allow the ultraviolet rays that degrade sake to pass through them. On the other hand, aluminum can products contain only about 9% of the total weight. They are lightweight, transportable, and have no risk of breakage, and the aluminum material blocks 100% of UV rays. Aluminum cans are used as an excellent container for delivering quality alcoholic beverages while reducing the burden on the earth.
■ Achievements of KURA ONE®
It has received the Gold Award and the Highest Grand Gold Award as a representative souvenir of Japan in the OMOTENASHI Selection, which is evaluated by foreign experts (media editors, influencers, creators, embassies, etc.) from 15 countries who live in Japan.
■ Benefits of Collab
Affiliate commission: 10%.
Samples: Provided free of charge from this page (*Please bear delivery costs)
■ Request to Collab
Please take pictures of local food you want to eat with KURA ONE® or local spots you want to introduce to the world as scenes of drinking KURA ONE®, and post them on SNS with "#kuraonesake" and "#sustainablesake".
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
If you are already a member, please login here.

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